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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Minimum SAT scores for common scholarships?

Hey, guys. I'm a bit stressed about my SAT scores and their potential impact on my scholarship opportunities. Do any of you know the usual minimum SAT scores for receiving scholarships? Any advice would be appreciated!

9 months ago

Hi there! While I understand your concerns regarding SAT scores and scholarships, it's important to remember that scholarship criteria can vary widely depending on the specific scholarship and the organization sponsoring it. There isn't a uniform minimum SAT score for all scholarships: some may place a higher emphasis on scores, while others prioritize other factors like community involvement, extracurricular activities, or essays.

My advice would be to research specific scholarships you're interested in and carefully review their eligibility criteria to determine whether your SAT scores meet the requirements. Generally speaking, a higher SAT score can increase your chances of receiving merit-based scholarships, but it's not the determining factor in all cases. So, it's also important to focus on other aspects of your profile, such as having strong extracurricular involvement and maintaining a high GPA.

Best of luck in your scholarship search!

9 months ago

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