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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of Chicago Open House

Hi there! I'm interested in learning more about the University of Chicago and its campus. Does anyone know if they have any open house events for prospective students or if they do virtual tours? I'd really appreciate any information on how to get a feel for the school.

9 months ago

Hello! The University of Chicago does indeed offer open house events for prospective students. They have both on-campus tours and virtual events to cater to different needs and preferences. For on-campus visits, they typically offer information sessions and campus tours led by current students. You can find more information about scheduling these on the University of Chicago admissions website.

As for virtual events, they host a variety of online sessions to help you learn more about the school. These may include webinars about different academic programs, admissions workshops, and panels featuring current students. Additionally, you can do a virtual tour of the campus on their website at any time - it provides an interactive, 360-degree view of various campus locations and facilities.

To access virtual events and tours, head over to the University of Chicago admissions website and look for their events calendar and virtual visit options. Make sure to sign up early for the events you're interested in attending, as some may require pre-registration and could fill up.

I hope these events help you get a better feel for the University of Chicago! Enjoy your open house experience and virtual tours.

9 months ago

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