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Best summer camps for high school students interested in different fields

Hello everyone! I'm trying to make my summer break productive and was wondering if there are any summer camps/programs for high school students that focus on various interests (like arts, STEM subjects, etc.). Can you guys recommend any you've attended or heard good things about? Thank you!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you want to make your summer break more productive by exploring different camps and programs. There's a wealth of options out there for high school students with various interests.

For arts-focused programs, consider:

1. Interlochen Center for the Arts (Michigan) - Offers music, theatre, visual arts, film, creative writing, and dance summer programs.

2. Tisch School of the Arts at NYU - Has a variety of pre-college summer programs in filmmaking, dance, acting, dramatic writing, and more.

STEM-focused summer camps include:

1. COSMOS (California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science) – A 4-week program for talented and motivated high-school students in California with an interest in science and engineering.

2. MIT LaunchX - A 4-week entrepreneurship program for high school students where they develop their own start-ups and learn about the process of building a successful venture.

Some programs cater to multiple interests:

1. Harvard Summer School Pre-College Program - Offers courses in various subjects, including humanities, social sciences, STEM, and more.

2. Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes - A 3-week program with diverse course options such as artificial intelligence, philosophy, creative writing, and physics.

Keep in mind that many of these programs can be competitive and may require an application with essays, transcripts, and/or recommendations. It's essential to research and apply early to secure your spot in the program of your choice. Additionally, some programs offer financial aid or scholarships for qualifying students, so be sure to check if that's an option for you. Good luck, and I hope you find a program that sparks your interest!

a year ago

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