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Understanding the AP Computer Science A curve?

Hey folks! I'm prepping for the AP Computer Science A exam and was wondering if anyone knows how the exam is curved. What score on the multiple-choice and free-response sections do you need to get a 5? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

The AP Computer Science A exam, like other AP exams, is scored on a scale of 1 to 5. However, understanding the precise curve for the exam can be tricky, as the College Board does not release the exact scoring guidelines. Instead, they use a statistical process called equating to ensure that scores are consistent across different exam administrations and years.

Typically, for the AP Computer Science A exam, a raw score in the range of 75% or higher will likely result in a 5. The exam has two sections: the multiple-choice section and the free-response section. The multiple-choice section consists of 40 questions and makes up 50% of your total exam score, while the free-response section consists of 4 questions and accounts for the other 50%.

To increase your chances of scoring a 5, it is important to perform well on both sections. A balanced approach is vital since it's hard to predict the specific curve for a given year. Aim to answer 30 or more multiple-choice questions correctly and aim for a solid performance in the free-response section. Practicing past exams and focusing on improving your problem-solving skills will be beneficial.

Ultimately, the final exam score needed to attain a 5 can vary depending on the difficulty of that year's exam. If it is deemed more challenging, the curve may be more lenient, whereas a less difficult exam might require a higher raw score. Keep in mind that scores can also be influenced by the performance of other test-takers. Do your best to focus on understanding key concepts and refining your skills to ensure a successful outcome on the exam. Good luck!

a year ago

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