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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Writing Awards for High School Students - Which Ones are Worthwhile?

Hey fellow writers! I really want to showcase my writing skills and earn some recognition. Can you guys recommend any reputable writing awards/contests suitable for high school students? Much appreciated!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're looking to showcase your writing skills through awards and contests. Here are a few reputable writing awards and contests that are suitable for high school students, and can indeed be worthwhile in terms of recognition and potential scholarship opportunities:

1. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: This program is open to students in grades 7-12 and has multiple categories, including poetry, short stories, essays, and more. Winning a Scholastic Art & Writing Award can be a significant accomplishment and may provide you with national recognition, as well as potential scholarship opportunities.

2. Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award: Sponsored by The Poetry Society, this international competition is open to writers between the ages of 11 and 17. The contest aims to showcase the best in youth poetry, by awarding 100 winners annually.

3. The New York Times Student Editorial Contest: This contest encourages high school students to submit editorials on topics they care about. Winners are often published on The New York Times website, which can provide valuable exposure for your writing.

4. The YoungArts Competition: This competition is open to high school students aged 15-18 and offers multiple categories, including writing. Being recognized as a YoungArts winner can raise your profile significantly, in addition to providing scholarship opportunities and access to professional development resources.

5. The Congressional Art Competition: While this competition is primarily focused on visual arts, it does have a category for creative writers. Winners are recognized at the national level, and their work is displayed in the U.S. Capitol for a year.

Remember that, while winning prestigious awards can be beneficial, even if you don't ultimately win participating in any writing contest can still be beneficial by helping you gain experience, improve your skills, and build your writing portfolio. Best of luck on your writing journey!

9 months ago

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