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Prep for Yale University interview

So I'm hoping for a Yale interview down the line. Can anyone enlighten me on the kind of questions they ask during the interview? And what kind of topics are best to discuss with alumni during these interviews? Any advice on how to prepare would be greatly appreciated!

9 months ago

Congrats on reaching the interview stage in your college application process! Yale interviews typically focus on getting to know you as an individual and understanding your personal and academic interests. Here are a few tips to help you prepare:

1. Review your application: Chances are, your interviewer will have access to your application, so be ready to discuss anything you've mentioned, such as your extracurricular activities, essays, or unique experiences. Be prepared to go into more detail or provide examples that showcase your involvement, passion, and personal growth.

2. Be ready for common interview questions: Some common questions you might encounter include "Why Yale?", "What are your academic interests?", "Tell me about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it", and "What do you like to do for fun?" Think about specific examples and anecdotes that can help illustrate your answers.

3. Research Yale: Familiarize yourself with Yale's academic programs, campus life, and extracurricular opportunities so you can discuss any aspects that genuinely interest you. This will show your interviewer that you've put in the effort to learn about the school and can envision yourself as a part of the Yale community.

4. Prepare questions for the interviewer: Asking questions not only demonstrates your interest in Yale, but it is also an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about the school from someone who has experienced it personally. Consider asking about their own experiences at Yale, their favorite classes or professors, or advice they have for incoming students.

5. Practice and stay authentic: It's essential to strike a balance between preparedness and authenticity. Practice your responses to possible questions, but be careful not to sound overly rehearsed. Let your genuine personality come through in your answers.

6. Stay current on events and news: Being aware of current events, both globally and at Yale, can make you more engaging in conversation and further demonstrate your interest in the school. You may not need to discuss these topics, but it's always helpful to have a few current events in mind just in case they come up during the interview.

For more information on the interview click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/yale-interview-guide/

Remember, Yale interviews are generally informal and conversational, so try to relax and enjoy the opportunity to connect with an alumnus and showcase what makes you a great fit for their community. Good luck!

9 months ago

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