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Summer Internships for High School Seniors?

Hey, fellow high schoolers! I'm going to be a senior next year and I'm looking to make the most out of my last summer before heading off to college. Can anyone suggest any summer internships specifically designed for high school seniors? It would be great to know what different fields offer internships and how competitive the application process is.

9 months ago

Hey! It's great that you're considering spending your last summer before college productively. While there are many internships available, it ultimately depends on your location and your interests. Here are a few fields that may offer internships for high school seniors:

1. Tech/Computer Science: Many tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook offer internships for high school students. For example, Google's Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) is a great opportunity for students interested in computer science.

2. Research: If you're interested in science or research, you can apply for programs like the Research Science Institute (RSI) or the High School Summer Research Apprentice Program. In addition, you can reach out to local universities to seek research positions in their labs.

3. Business/Economics/Finance: Look out for internships or programs related to business like Girls Who Invest, PIMCO High School Internship, or Bank of America Student Leaders program.

4. Government/Politics: Students interested in government or politics can apply for internships at organizations like the ACLU, NRDC, the State Department, or their local government offices.

5. Media/Arts/Design: For those interested in creative fields, check internship listings in local art galleries, museums, theaters, and event centers. There are also pre-college programs at various art schools and universities where you can explore these fields further.

Competition for internships can range from low to high, depending on the organization and its reputation. It's crucial to have a well-crafted resume and cover letter to showcase your skills and passion for the field. Networking can also be a powerful tool; don't hesitate to reach out to people you know and ask if they have any connections or suggestions for internships in your areas of interest.

To find opportunities, research online internship postings, such as Indeed, Glassdoor, or Internships.com. You can also use resources like your school's career center, and don't forget to ask your teachers, counselors, and family members for recommendations based on your interests. Consider applying to multiple internships to maximize your chances of securing a position.

Good luck with your search!

9 months ago

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