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What's the content of AP African American Studies?

I'm considering taking the AP African American Studies course next year. Can anyone give me an idea about what topics are covered in it, and how it might look on my college application?

9 months ago

AP African American Studies is a fascinating and enriching course that dives into the history, culture, and experiences of African Americans in the United States. The course generally covers a broad range of topics, including the African diaspora, the legacy of slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and contemporary issues faced by African Americans. Here are some key elements you can expect to encounter in the coursework:

1. Early African societies and the African diaspora: You'll explore the histories and cultures of various African societies prior to the transatlantic slave trade, as well as the experiences of Africans in the diaspora, including their contributions to the Americas.

2. Slavery and the building of America: In this unit, you'll examine the institution of slavery and its impact on the development of the United States, as well as strategies of resistance employed by enslaved people.

3. Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow: Following the Civil War, you'll analyze the challenges faced by newly freed African Americans and the rise of segregation and discrimination under Jim Crow laws.

4. The Harlem Renaissance and the Great Migration: This segment covers the artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that emerged among African Americans during the 1920s, as well as the migration of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North.

5. Civil Rights Movement: You'll learn about leaders, organizations, and events that shaped the fight for racial equality in the '50s and '60s. This may include figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks as well as events like the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington.

6. Contemporary issues and movements: Finally, the course will touch on ongoing struggles for racial equality and social justice in the United States. Topics may include the rise of Black Lives Matter, systemic racism, and mass incarceration.

As for your college application, taking AP African American Studies is a great opportunity to showcase your academic rigor and intellectual curiosity. Additionally, enrollment in this course could demonstrate your cultural awareness and interest in social and diversity-related issues. This might be especially beneficial if you're considering majors or careers in sociology, history, political science, or other related fields. Ensure you keep the rest of your application strong and highlight any extracurricular activities that are consistent with your interests, such as volunteering for racial justice organizations or participating in debate or history clubs.

Good luck with your decision to take AP African American Studies, and enjoy the enriching learning experience!

9 months ago

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