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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Legitimacy of Fastweb Scholarships

Hey everyone, I've been browsing through Fastweb for potential scholarships, but I'm a little skeptical. Can anyone vouch for the legitimacy of scholarships on Fastweb? Are the opportunities on there actually worth my time applying to?

a year ago

Hi there! I understand your concern about the legitimacy of scholarships found on Fastweb. It's important to know that Fastweb is a reputable platform used by many students as a resource for scholarship opportunities. The scholarships listed on their site are typically legitimate, but as with any online resource, you should still exercise caution and research each opportunity before applying.

While applying for scholarships found on Fastweb, I recommend the following steps:

1. Verify the scholarship provider: Check their official website, look for contact information, and do some background research to ensure credibility.

2. Read the fine print: Make sure you understand the application requirements, deadlines, and terms and conditions of the scholarships you're applying for. This will help you avoid scams as well as better strategize your applications.

3. Look for testimonials or experiences of past recipients: This can provide insight into the legitimacy and effectiveness of a particular scholarship opportunity.

4. Do not provide sensitive personal information: Be cautious about sharing your Social Security Number or financial information during the application process unless you're confident in the legitimacy of the scholarship provider.

Overall, Fastweb is a legit platform to search for scholarships, but make sure you invest time in researching each opportunity and prioritize the ones that align with your interests and qualifications. Good luck!

a year ago

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