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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best time to take the SAT/ACT?

Yo! I'm a junior and I need some advice. When's the best time for me to take the SAT or ACT? I want to make sure I have enough time to prepare and possibly retake if needed. Any suggestions are appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! It's excellent that you're planning ahead for your SAT/ACT test dates. Typically, the best time for juniors to initially take the SAT or ACT is during the spring semester. This aligns with the February through June testing dates for the ACT and the March through June testing dates for the SAT. By taking the test in spring, you'll have completed enough of your high school curriculum that you'll be familiar with the majority of concepts covered on these exams.

Additionally, if you're not satisfied with your score during the first attempt, you'll have plenty of time to retake the test during the summer or early fall of your senior year. It's especially important to give yourself time for a retake if you think you may want to apply early to some colleges, as you'll need to have locked in your scores by November, rather than January. Finally, with this suggested timeline, you'll also be able to use the summer to study, when you'll be less busy than your senior fall, when you'll be juggling schoolwork and your college applications in addition to test prep.

Good luck, and happy prepping!

a year ago

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