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RPI B.S./M.D. acceptance rate?

I'm looking into the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's B.S./M.D. program and I'm curious about how competitive it is. Does anyone have any info on the acceptance rate or the types of students that get accepted? I'm feeling a little bit stressed about my chances and want to make sure I'm prepared for the application process. Thanks!

a year ago

The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has a combined Physician-Scientist Program (PSP) in partnership with the Albany Medical College, where students can pursue a B.S. degree at RPI and then continue their M.D. degree at Albany Medical College. This program is indeed competitive, but specific acceptance rates can be challenging to find as they may vary from year to year.

That said, to have a competitive application for the RPI B.S./M.D. program, it's essential to have a strong academic profile along with relevant extracurricular activities that demonstrate your passion for medicine and scientific research. Generally, accepted students have high GPAs (often above 3.8), strong SAT or ACT scores (SAT above 1450 or ACT above 32), and a history of challenging coursework like Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes.

In addition to academic performance, your extracurricular activities can play a crucial role in your application. Try to engage in activities that showcase your genuine interest in the medical field, such as research internships, volunteering at local hospitals or clinics, being a part of science clubs or competitions, shadowing healthcare professionals, etc.

When it comes to essays, focus on demonstrating your commitment to the medical field. Explain how the RPI B.S./M.D. program aligns with your personal and professional goals and highlight relevant experiences that have shaped your passion for medicine. Make sure to convey your motivation, intellectual curiosity, and dedication to the medical profession.

Lastly, don't forget to request strong letters of recommendation from teachers who can speak to your academic abilities and personal qualities that would make you a suitable candidate for this rigorous program.

Preparing for the application process can be stressful, but by focusing on your strengths and what sets you apart, you can increase your chances of being considered for the RPI B.S./M.D. program. Good luck!

a year ago

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