Ugh, I got waitlisted at Boston College and I'm super stressed now. Does anyone know what the odds are of being accepted from the waitlist? Is there anything I can do to increase my chances?
First of all, congratulations on being waitlisted at Boston College! Although it might not be the immediate acceptance you were hoping for, it still means that the admissions committee saw value in your application.
The chances of being accepted from the waitlist can vary significantly each year depending on various factors, such as the admitted students' yield rate and the college's enrollment targets. In general, it's difficult to predict the exact odds, but you can expect them to be relatively low as many top-tier schools tend to admit a smaller percentage of waitlisted applicants.
To improve your chances of getting off the waitlist, there are a few things you can do:
1. Write a letter of continued interest (LOCI) to the admissions office, expressing your enthusiasm for the school, updating them with any new achievements or experiences you've had since submitting your application, and reaffirming that Boston College remains one of your top choices.
2. Maintain strong academic performance throughout the rest of your senior year. Colleges want to see that you are still dedicated to your studies even after receiving waitlist status.
3. If you have any additional awards or achievements that were not included in your initial application, make sure to mention those in your LOCI.
4. If possible, visit campus or attend an online event (if offered), and mention specific programs or events in your LOCI that resonated with you and why those experiences make Boston College a desirable place for you.
Remember, there are no guarantees when it comes to waitlist admissions, so it's crucial to also explore and weigh your options with the colleges where you were accepted. Best of luck, and I hope everything works out in your favor!
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