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Top Business Internships for High School Students?

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in business and I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions on the best business internships for high school students? I'd love to gain some real-world experience before college. Cheers!

a year ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're eager to gain some business experience during high school. There are a variety of internships and programs available for students like you to explore the world of business. Here are a few options to consider:

1. The LEAD Summer Business Institute (SBI): This program is designed for high school students with an interest in business. It offers a rigorous curriculum and hands-on experiences at top-notch universities across the country, such as Wharton School of Business, Stanford, and Northwestern.

2. Junior Achievement: This organization offers the JA Job Shadow Program where high school students can experience a real business environment by shadowing professionals in various industries like finance, marketing, and management.

3. Bank of America Student Leaders Program: This competitive eight-week paid internship gives high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to work at a local nonprofit organization while developing leadership skills. Participants also take part in a week-long summit in Washington, D.C.

4. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA): While not an internship, joining your school's FBLA chapter is a great way to gain experience in business and participate in competitive events that showcase your knowledge and skills.

5. Local businesses and startups: You can also explore the possibility of internships or mentorships with local businesses and startups in your area. Reach out to potential employers or business owners to discuss how you can contribute to their company while learning from their experience.

Don't forget to network with your school's counselors, teachers, and fellow students, as they may have connections or suggestions for specific opportunities in your area. Good luck with your search, and I hope you find a rewarding internship that helps you develop your skills and passion for business!

a year ago

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