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AP test fee waivers

Hey guys, I heard that there are fee waivers available for AP tests. How do I go about applying for one, and what are the criteria for eligibility? Any help would be appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! You're right, there are fee waivers available for AP tests if you meet certain financial need criteria. To apply for a fee waiver, you should follow these steps:

1. Speak with your school's AP coordinator: To begin the process of applying for a fee waiver, schedule a meeting with the AP coordinator at your school. They will be able to provide you with information on fee waivers and explain the application procedure.

2. Determine your eligibility: Fee waiver eligibility is based on your household income and if it falls within the guidelines for the Federal Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Program. Other factors, such as family size or receiving public assistance, may also be considered. Your AP coordinator or school counselor can help you determine if you're eligible.

3. Complete the necessary paperwork: If you're eligible for a fee waiver, your AP coordinator will provide you with the appropriate forms to fill out. The forms usually require information about your household income, the number of family members, and any financial assistance programs you are participating in.

4. Submit the forms: After completing the forms, return them to your AP coordinator. They will review the documents and, if everything is in order, submit them on your behalf to College Board or your state education agency. Make sure to submit the forms well before the deadline for AP exam registration.

5. Await confirmation: Once you've submitted the fee waiver documents, your school will usually hear back within a few weeks regarding the approval. Your AP coordinator will notify you whether you've been granted the waiver or not.

Remember, it's essential to start this process as early as possible because there are deadlines for exam registration. Speaking with your school's AP coordinator and counselor is your best first step to secure a fee waiver for your AP exams. Good luck!

a year ago

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