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Should I include a resume with my Common Application?

Hey guys, I was wondering if submitting a resume with my Common Application would be beneficial or if it's just repetitive. Would it help my chances in any way or is it better to leave it out?

9 months ago

Submitting a resume with your Common Application can be beneficial in specific circumstances, but it has the potential to be repetitive if not done correctly. Here are a few points to consider before deciding whether to submit a resume:

1. If your application already showcases all of your extracurricular activities, accomplishments, and work experiences effectively, then submitting a resume might be unnecessary. However, if you have more activities or experiences than the Common Application allows you to list, then a resume can help you showcase those additional activities.

2. A resume can provide more context and details for your experiences than the limited space on the Common Application. If you've held significant leadership positions, completed impressive projects, or have any other relevant qualifications, a well-crafted resume can highlight these achievements.

3. If you're applying for a program that specifically requires or encourages a resume submission (such as a specialized program within the college), then it's definitely a good idea to include one.

4. A resume can help demonstrate professionalism and your ability to organize information. It can showcase your communication skills and prove that you can present yourself well on paper.

However, it's essential to keep your resume concise (preferably one page), organized, and easy to read. Admissions officers read many applications, so you don't want to present them with a resume that's difficult to understand or merely regurgitates information already included in your application.

In conclusion, including a resume with your Common Application can be beneficial if you have additional experiences or details you'd like to share that aren't fully covered in the application. Just make sure to keep it well-structured and easy to read so that it complements your application without overwhelming the reader.

9 months ago

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