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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

College Decision Dates for 2023?

Hey fellow applicants! I'm trying to keep track of upcoming decision dates for the colleges I applied to. Does anyone have a list of decision dates for the class of 2023 or know how I can find this information? Much appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! Decision dates may vary slightly from year to year, but generally, you can expect the following timeline:

1. Early Decision (ED) and Early Action (EA) decisions are typically released in mid-December.

2. Regular Decision (RD) decisions are generally released in late March or early April.

3. Rolling Admissions decisions are usually sent within a few weeks after you submit your application, though this span can range from 4-10 weeks.

To compile a list of decision dates for your specific colleges, you can:

1. Check the admissions websites of each college for information on decision release dates.

2. Sign up for college-related newsletters, which sometimes announce decision release dates or offer updates.

3. Monitor your email and college admission portals, as they might notify you when decisions will be released.

4. Visit online forums or follow social media accounts associated with the colleges you applied to, as they might provide information on decision dates or real-time updates from other applicants.

Remember that these dates are subject to change based on the unique circumstances of each college and the overall application cycle. Hang in there - I know you have lots of great offers of admissions coming your way!

9 months ago

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