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MIT Applicant Interviews: Are They Guaranteed?

Hey everyone, I'm applying to MIT and I've heard about MIT interviews. Do all applicants get an interview, or is it only for a select group of people? What should I expect during the interview process?

9 months ago

Hi there! While MIT does try their best to offer interviews to as many applicants as possible, interviews are not guaranteed for every applicant. Interviews are subject to the availability of alumni interviewers in your area, so some candidates might not have the opportunity due to logistical reasons.

The MIT interview is generally a relaxed and informal conversation with an MIT alumnus or alumna who will try to get to know you better as a person. The interview serves as an additional data point to your application. During the interview, the interviewer will likely ask you about your interests, your academic achievements, and your extracurricular activities. They may also ask questions to gauge your ability to think critically and to learn more about your passions and goals.

To prepare for the interview, think about what you want to convey regarding your strengths, goals, and personality traits. Be ready to discuss your love for learning, any personal experiences that set you apart, and why MIT is a good fit for you. Remember to be authentic and engage in a genuine conversation with the interviewer. It's also a great opportunity for you to ask questions about MIT from someone who has firsthand experience there.

For more information click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/mit-interview-what-its-like

Lastly, be sure to dress professionally (although you don't need to be overly formal) and always be respectful and courteous to the interviewer. Good luck!

9 months ago

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