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Any good CS competitions for high school students?

Hey guys, I'm really into computer science, and I'd like to get involved in some competitions to beef up my extracurriculars. Do you have any recommendations for high school-level CS competitions?

9 months ago

Hello! It's awesome that you want to explore your interest in computer science and participate in competitions. Here are a few computer science competitions that are great for high school students:

1. USA Computing Olympiad (USACO): This competition consists of four online algorithmic programming contests throughout the academic year. Participants can progress through multiple levels - Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. It's a great way to improve your problem-solving abilities and compete with others who share the same passion for programming.

2. ACSL (American Computer Science League): ACSL organizes computer science contests for students of various age groups, comprising both short problems and programming tasks. The performance of individual students and school teams is evaluated, and the opportunity to advance to an All-Star contest is available as well.

3. Google Code-in: This competition is aimed at pre-university students and introduces them to open-source projects and organizations. Participants complete tasks in categories such as coding, documentation, research, quality assurance, design, and outreach. It's an excellent opportunity to gain real-world experience working on various projects.

4. CyberPatriot: If you're more interested in cybersecurity, the CyberPatriot competition challenges teams of high school students to find and fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities in virtual operating systems. The contest helps you learn valuable skills and might just inspire you to pursue a career in cybersecurity.

5. Zero Robotics: For students interested in programming and space exploration, Zero Robotics is a unique programming competition where you write code to control satellites aboard the International Space Station. Participants develop and test their code in a 3D simulation environment and then compete in a live, remote event streamed from the ISS.

These are just a few of the many computer science competitions available to high school students. Participating in any of these events will not only provide valuable experience and sharpen your skills but also demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to this field on college applications. Best of luck with your participation!

9 months ago

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