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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to list PE on UC application?

I'm working on my UC application and I'm not sure if I should include my PE class in the courses section. Did anyone put PE on their UC app? If so, how did you list it?

9 months ago

You should definitely include your PE class in the "Courses & Grades" section of the UC application. Every course you took, including PE, should be listed on your application to provide a complete picture of your high school academic experience.

To list your PE class, simply enter the course title exactly as it appears on your transcript. For example, if the class is called "Physical Education 9," then enter that as the course title. If your school uses a different naming convention, just follow that format. Next, enter the appropriate grade level (9th, 10th, etc.) when you took the course, the term (semester or trimester), and the grade you received. Finally, you'll need to choose the subject area. For PE, you should select "Physical Education" from the dropdown menu.

Remember, the UC application is designed to capture a comprehensive view of your high school academic record, so it's important to include all relevant information. Good luck with your application!

9 months ago

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