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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Info on Adoption STAR Academic Scholarship Program?

Hey everyone, I stumbled upon something called the Adoption STAR Academic Scholarship Program. Has anyone here heard of it or know anything about it? I'm curious to find out if I could be eligible for this scholarship.

a year ago

Hello! Adoption STAR is a not-for-profit adoption agency that offers an Academic Scholarship Program for eligible students who have been adopted through their agency. The program aims to help these students with the costs of post-secondary education. It's important to note that not every adopted student qualifies; only those who have been adopted through Adoption STAR are eligible.

To determine your eligibility, you should reach out to Adoption STAR directly. Another recommendation is to visit their website to gather more information about the program, including the application process and deadlines. Keep in mind that scholarship opportunities may vary, and make sure to check if there are other adoption-related scholarships that you might be eligible for based on your personal circumstances.

In general, it is always a good idea to explore various scholarship opportunities to support your college education. There are many scholarships out there based on academic achievements, leadership, extracurricular activities, community service, as well as unique personal backgrounds and interests. You can find these opportunities through online scholarship databases, your high school's guidance office, or by contacting colleges directly.

For more information click here:

Good luck with your search for scholarships and funding your college education!

a year ago

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