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Duke music supplement requirements?

Hey guys! I'm applying to Duke and I want to submit a music supplement as part of my application. Can anyone tell me what the requirements are (e.g. length, type of music) and any tips for creating a strong submission? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! It's great that you want to submit a music supplement for your Duke application. Here are the requirements and some tips to make your submission stand out.


1. You should submit your music supplement through SlideRoom (linked through the Common Application).

2. For instrumental or vocal submissions, you should include 2-3 solo performances, totaling no more than 15 minutes of music.

3. If you're a composer, submit 2-3 scores and recordings of your original compositions.

4. It's preferable to have live recordings with minimal processing and editing.

5. Include a brief description of each piece, indicating the title, composer, and any pertinent performance details.

Tips for a strong submission:

1. Choose pieces that showcase your technical ability and musicality. Consider selecting contrasting pieces that demonstrate various aspects of your playing, such as dynamic range, phrasing, and tone quality

2. Ensure recordings are high-quality. Find a quiet, well-lit space to record, and consider using a tripod to stabilize the camera.

3. Dress professionally, as if you were performing in a recital or competition.

4. Perform from memory whenever possible, as it shows a deeper understanding of the music.

5. Be expressive and engaging in your performance – remember, the reviewers are not only looking for technical prowess but also for a connection with the music.

Overall, your music supplement should complement your overall application by demonstrating your commitment to and passion for music. Best of luck with your submission and your application to Duke!

9 months ago

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