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AP Art History Exam Format

Hey friends, I'm currently preparing for the AP Art History exam and I'm unsure of the exam's length and format. Could someone clue me in on the exam details, like how many multiple-choice questions there are, and how long it takes to complete the entire exam? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! I'm happy to provide you with information about the AP Art History exam format. The exam is 3 hours long and consists of two sections: multiple-choice and free-response.

Section I is the multiple-choice section, which is 1 hour and contains 80 questions. The questions will cover various historical periods, themes, and art types, based on the course content.

Section II is the free-response section, which is 2 hours long and includes 6 free-response questions. This section is divided into two parts:

- Part A consists of two 30-minute long questions, each requiring you to analyze either a provided visual source or a written prompt. You'll need to demonstrate understanding of context, form, and content, as well as articulate a well-structured argument backed by evidence from the sources.

- Part B consists of four 15-minute short-answer questions, asking you to analyze and interpret artworks based on provided visuals. You'll need to identify, explain, and compare aspects of the artworks.

It's essential to manage your time effectively during the exam and ensure you have enough time to complete each section. Good luck with your preparation and the exam itself!

9 months ago

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