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California-based summer programs for high schoolers?

Hello, Californians! Can anyone recommend some unique and engaging summer programs in California for high school students? I'm interested in both academic and extracurricular opportunities. Thanks a bunch!

9 months ago

You're in luck! California has a wide range of summer programs for high school students that cater to various interests, both academic and extracurricular. Here are a few options that cover different areas of study and activity:

1. COSMOS - California State Summer School for Mathematics & Science: COSMOS is hosted at four UC campuses (Davis, Irvine, San Diego, and Santa Cruz) and offers a 4-week residential program for students interested in STEM fields. You'll get to work on projects, attend lectures, and engage with professors and other high-achieving students in your chosen subject area.

2. California College of the Arts Pre-College Program: Located in San Francisco and Oakland, this pre-college program offers art and design courses in areas such as architecture, animation, painting, and photography. You'll get the chance to build your portfolio and experience life at an art college.

3. Stanford Summer Session: Stanford offers a variety of summer programs, including High School Summer College, which allows high school students to live on campus and take college courses for credit. There's also the Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes - a series of residential programs with courses in humanities, arts, and sciences.

4. iD Tech Camps: These camps are held at various prestigious California campuses, including UC Berkeley, and offer STEM-focused programs in coding, game design, robotics, and more. They cater to students aged 7-17 and feature both day and overnight camp options.

5. UCLA Summer Sessions: UCLA offers a College Immersion program for high school students, which allows them to earn college credit while experiencing life as a UCLA student. In addition, they have a Precollege Summer Institute that focuses on a variety of subjects like writing, debate, architecture, theater, and more.

6. USC Summer Programs: The University of Southern California offers various courses for high school students in introduction to college life, creative writing, engineering, and many other subjects. Students can choose between a 2-week and a 4-week program.

Remember to check each program's website for application deadlines, eligibility criteria, and fees. I hope this list helps you find the perfect summer program to explore your interests. Good luck, and enjoy your summer experience!

9 months ago

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