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Brown supplemental examples: any tips?

Hello! So, I'm working on my Brown supplemental essays and curious to know if there's any go-to resource for examples on how to approach them. Any kind of advice or suggestion for these essays would be amazing!

a year ago

Hello! When it comes to writing supplemental essays for Brown, it's essential to tailor your responses specifically to the university and demonstrate your understanding of, and fit for, the Open Curriculum and the school's unique environment.

1. Research Brown's values and academic offerings: Start by visiting Brown's website and exploring their academic programs, extracurricular offerings, and campus culture. Look for specific aspects that resonate with you and your interests. You'll want to get more specific than just the Open Curriculum, as anyone applying to Brown will be interested in that - instead, zoom in further on particular courses, professors, study abroad programs, etc.

2. Be authentic and personal: When writing your supplements, be true to yourself and focus on your individual experiences or passions. Connect these genuine interests to what Brown offers. Share personal anecdotes or reflections that can highlight your character and showcase your fit for Brown's intellectual, social, and cultural environment.

3. Avoid generic responses: The admissions team wants to know why you think Brown is the right fit for you, so avoid talking about its reputation, location, or prestige. Instead, focus on particular programs, opportunities, or traditions that make the university unique and match your personal aspirations.

4. Demonstrate intellectual curiosity: Brown values students with a passion for learning and a willingness to explore diverse subject areas. Showcase how you've pursued intellectual growth in the past, and how you plan to take advantage of Brown's Open Curriculum to continue following your passions and discovering new interests.

5. Address the "Why Brown?" question: Clearly articulate why you want to attend Brown University and how the university can support your academic and personal goals. Be specific and connect your background and goals to what Brown has to offer.

6. Revise and proofread: Give yourself ample time to revise, and ask others (friends, family members, teachers, or counselors) for feedback. Ensure your essays are polished, engaging, and free from grammar or punctuation errors. Remember that CollegeVine also offers both a free peer essay review service and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors.

If you're looking for even more detailed guidance, consider checking out CollegeVine's blog post breaking down the Brown essays and how to successfully respond to them: Good luck with your application to Brown!

a year ago

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