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Does ASB membership look good for college apps?

I'm a current ASB member at my high school, and I'm trying to gauge how impressive this is when it comes to college applications. Does being involved in ASB actually look good to admissions officers, or should I seek additional extracurriculars to round out my application?

a year ago

ASB (Associated Student Body) membership can be a solid addition to your college applications, as it demonstrates leadership, involvement in school activities, and often, community service. Admissions officers appreciate seeing that a student is engaged in their school community and is willing to take on responsibility. However, it's essential to consider the depth of your involvement in ASB. Are you taking on leadership roles or spearheading initiatives? Context matters, and showing that you've made a significant impact through your ASB membership will make it more impressive to admissions officers.

That said, it's always a good idea to pursue additional extracurricular activities, especially those that align with your interests and potential major or career path. Top colleges generally prefer students who have developed a highly-specialized area of expertise or a "spike," rather than those who are just well-rounded. When seeking other extracurriculars, focus on quality over quantity. Engage deeply in a few activities that genuinely interest you instead of superficially participating in every club or organization available.

In summary, ASB membership can be a valuable part of your college application, especially if you demonstrate commitment and impact through leadership roles or significant projects. However, it's still a good idea to explore additional extracurricular activities that align with your interests and goals to create a strong, unique application that showcases your personal talents, passions, and "spike."

a year ago

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