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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Impact of all A's and one C on my GPA?

So, I've mostly gotten A's throughout high school, but unfortunately, I got a C in one class. How will this affect my chances for college admissions? Will it hurt my overall application or just my GPA?

a year ago

In terms of the impact on your GPA, one C amidst a sea of A's is likely to bring it down slightly, but it's important to keep in mind that your GPA is only one part of your application. While a singular C might raise some concerns for admissions officers, they will also consider your entire academic performance in the context of your high school coursework, rigor of classes, and any potential reasons for a dip in your grades in that particular class.

If the C occurred in a class that is not related to your intended major or interests, or if you can explain why you struggled in that class (e.g., personal circumstances, adjustment to workload, etc.), it might not be as detrimental to your application. However, if it's in a core subject or related to your field of interest, you might want to consider addressing the grade in the additional information section of your application. This allows you to provide context and demonstrate the steps you've taken to improve or what you've learned from the experience.

Additionally, your extracurriculars, essay, letters of recommendation, and test scores (if applicable) can help balance the effect of the C and offer a holistic view of your entire application. Colleges are interested in your overall growth and potential, so it's essential to continue focusing on other aspects of your application, like demonstrating your passion and commitment in your activities and writing a compelling essay that captures your unique story.

In summary, one C among mostly A's may not drastically affect your chances of admission, particularly if you can provide context or show improvement over time. It's essential to continue pursuing a strong, well-rounded application, showcasing your strengths and passions through other components like extracurriculars and essays.

a year ago

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