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Need Help With AP French Review

With AP exams approaching, I really need to start reviewing for AP French. Are there any resources or study materials you guys recommend to help me out?

a year ago

It's great that you're looking for resources to help you review for your AP French exam! Here are a few options you might find helpful:

1. AP French Textbook: If you have an AP French textbook from your course, it's a great idea to go back and review the chapters that you covered throughout the year. Pay special attention to the grammar, vocabulary, and cultural topics.

2. College Board Materials: Visit the College Board's AP French page ( for official study resources, sample questions, and previous year exam questions, which will help familiarize you with the format and expectations of the test.

3. Quizlet: Create or search for existing AP French flashcard sets on Quizlet ( This is a fun and interactive way to review vocabulary, grammar, and other key concepts from the course.

4. YouTube Videos: Many educators and students have created helpful AP French review videos on YouTube. These videos often cover key grammar concepts and provide tips for success on the exam.

5. Online Practice Tests: There are several websites that offer practice tests and quizzes specifically designed for the AP French exam. A popular option includes Albert ( These sites also offer resources like personalized study schedules and tips for exam day.

6. Group Study: Consider forming a study group with your classmates who are also taking the AP French exam. You can practice speaking and listening exercises together, quiz each other on vocabulary and grammar, and collectively review course materials.

7. Teacher Assistance: Don't be afraid to ask your AP French teacher for help. They are usually more than willing to answer questions, clarify concepts, and provide additional guidance and resources.

Make sure to give yourself enough time to review thoroughly and consistently in the weeks leading up to the exam. Good luck and happy studying!

a year ago

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