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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What kind of awards can you get in college?

I know extracurricular awards are important while applying to college, but are there any specific awards or achievements that colleges really like to see? Thanks for the help, guys!

9 months ago

Colleges appreciate a wide range of awards and achievements that demonstrate a student's passion, dedication, and excellence in their chosen field. Although specific awards may vary based on the student's interests and activities, here are some examples of awards that colleges often like to see:

1. National or International Competitions: Awards from prestigious competitions such as the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), International Mathematical Olympiad, or Model United Nations conferences showcase a student's exceptional abilities.

2. Scholastic Awards: Recognitions like the National Merit Scholarships, Presidential Scholarships, or AP Scholar Awards highlight academic excellence.

3. State-Level Competitions: Awards from state-level competitions, such as All-State sports teams, state math or science competitions, or state championships in theatre, music or debate, demonstrate strong performance and dedication.

4. Leadership Awards: Students who receive awards for their leadership, such as a Key Club or National Honor Society recognition, demonstrate commitment and initiative in impacting their community.

5. Arts and Creativity Awards: Accomplishments in areas such as visual arts, creative writing, film, or music (e.g., Gold Key from Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, or recognition in a regional or state arts competition) highlight a student's artistic talent and passion for creative expression.

6. Community Service Awards: Recognitions such as the President's Volunteer Service Award, local community service awards, or impactful initiatives led by the student all showcase their commitment to bettering their community.

7. Subject-Specific Awards: Achievements within specific subject areas (e.g., science, technology, engineering, math, social sciences, humanities) that indicate dedication and expertise in that field.

Remember, it's not necessarily about obtaining the most prestigious awards. Colleges appreciate students who are passionate and show a deep commitment to their chosen pursuits. The key is to focus on your interests, dedicate time and effort to excel in those areas, and aim for the most meaningful recognitions that showcase your abilities and accomplishments.

9 months ago

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