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Good PSAT score for a junior?

I took the PSAT recently, and I'm curious about what a good score is for a high school junior. How do I know if I have a competitive score for National Merit Scholarships and college admissions?

a year ago

It's important to first understand that a PSAT score is not used directly for college admissions; rather, it's an indicator of how well you might perform on the SAT, which colleges do consider. That being said, your PSAT score can still have some value, particularly when it comes to National Merit Scholarships.

As a junior, your PSAT score ranges from 320 to 1520. The National Merit Scholarship Program uses a different scale called the Selection Index, which ranges from 48 to 228; you can calculate this by doubling the sum of your Reading, Writing, and Math scores. Generally speaking, a competitive PSAT score for the National Merit Scholarships would be in the top 1% of test-takers in your state. The cutoff for the Selection Index varies by state, but it typically falls between 210 and 222.

If your goal is to have a strong SAT score for college admissions, you should aim for a PSAT score that's comparable to or above the average SAT scores of admitted students at your target schools. Remember, the conversion of PSAT to SAT scores is not exactly 1-to-1, so you might see some variation. For instance, an 1150 PSAT score is roughly equivalent to an 1180 SAT score.

Ultimately, your PSAT score can help you identify areas for improvement before taking the SAT. Regardless of your current PSAT score, it's a good idea to focus on test prep and practice so you can increase your SAT score when the time comes. Colleges will primarily evaluate your SAT or ACT scores, along with your GPA and extracurricular involvement, in their admissions decisions.

a year ago

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