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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do grades transfer when you switch schools?

Hey! So, I might be switching schools this year, and I'm worried about how it'll affect my transcript. Will my grades from my old school still be on my transcript when applying to colleges, or do they start fresh at the new school? Thanks everyone!

9 months ago

Hey there! When you switch schools, your academic records, including your grades, typically get transferred to your new school. Your new school might have a different grading or credit system, so they may convert your previous grades to their format. However, when it comes time to apply to colleges, your high school transcript should include both your grades from your old school as well as your new school.

It's important to communicate with your new school's guidance counselor about the transfer process, as they can help ensure that all your records are properly transferred and that you're on track for graduation. Furthermore, when you apply to colleges, you can use the "Additional Information" section of your application to provide context on any discrepancies or changes in your transcript due to the school switch.

In conclusion, your grades won't "start fresh" at your new school, and they'll still be considered when applying to colleges. Good luck with the transition, and don't hesitate to ask your new guidance counselor any questions you might have during the process!

9 months ago

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