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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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2023-24 common app essay prompts word limit?

Hey there! I'm working on my common app essay for this cycle and I was just wondering - does anyone know the word limit for the 2023-24 prompts? I'm having a hard time fitting everything into my essay and I'm worried I might go over the limit. Thanks!

a year ago

The Common App essay word limit for the 2023-24 application cycle is 650 words. You have seven prompts to choose from, and no matter which one you select, it's essential to stay within this word limit. If your essay is too long, you might want to consider cutting less important details or revising your content for clarity and brevity. Remember, a focused and well-crafted essay within the word limit will effectively showcase your ability to express your thoughts succinctly and leave a lasting impression on admission officers. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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