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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Going Merry Scholarship Reviews?

Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of y'all have used Going Merry for finding scholarships. What was your experience like? Are there any pros and cons I should be aware of before using the platform?

a year ago

Hi there! I have some experience with Going Merry and can share a bit about its features and user experience.


1. Consolidated Platform: Going Merry is a one-stop-shop for scholarships, so you don't need to search multiple sites for opportunities.

2. Personalized: It tailors its scholarship recommendations to your profile, meaning you'll see scholarships that are relevant to your interests, background, and academic achievements.

3. Easy Application Process: The platform allows you to fill out a general application and reuse parts of it for multiple scholarships, reducing the time spent on tedious tasks.

4. No Cost: Going Merry is free to use, which is always a plus!


1. Limited Scope: Although Going Merry offers numerous scholarships, it doesn't cover every single opportunity out there. You might still want to explore other platforms like Fastweb or Cappex to expand your search.

2. Time-Consuming: Like any scholarship platform, finding and applying for scholarships on Going Merry can be time-consuming. Make sure to prioritize your search, focusing on scholarships that align with your goals and strengths.

3. Competition: Remember, many students are using the same platform, so you'll still face competition for these scholarships. Stand out by refining your application and submit it well before the scholarship deadline.

Overall, Going Merry is an excellent tool for finding scholarships, but don't limit yourself to just one platform. Research and apply to a variety of sources to maximize your chances of success. Good luck with your scholarship search!

a year ago

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