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MIT and Freshman Grades

Umm, hey guys... Kind of embarrassed, but my freshman year grades were not exactly stellar, and I'm just wondering how much MIT might weigh those when evaluating my application? Have my chances taken a huge hit or can they be redeemed through growth in my later high school years? Super stressed, so please help!

9 months ago

Hey there, no need to be embarrassed! It's common for students to have a period of adjustment during their first year in high school. So let's talk about your concerns regarding your freshman grades and your chances at MIT.

First, it's important to recognize that MIT does use a holistic admissions process, which means they'll be considering your application as a whole and not just focusing on your grades. However, academic performance is still a significant factor in the evaluation.

If your freshman grades were not that great, the key is to demonstrate an upward trend in your academic performance during your sophomore, junior, and senior years. Colleges, even highly selective ones like MIT, value students who show growth and improvement over time, not only those who are high achievers right away. So if you're able to maintain strong grades in your later years, especially in challenging courses, it will help show that you've learned from your early mistakes and are dedicated to your academics.

Moreover, make sure to highlight your accomplishments in other areas, like extracurricular activities, involvement in your community, and leadership experiences. Doing well in these areas can help alleviate concerns about your freshman year grades.

Lastly, you'll want to write thoughtful and well-crafted application essays that allow the admissions committee to get to know you better and understand your motivation for attending MIT. A compelling essay can oftentimes help students stand out despite potential weaknesses in their application. You could even consider making use of the "Additional Information" section of the Common App, if you were dealing with some especially challenging circumstances while transitioning to high school that negatively impacted your academic performance (you can read more about how to do so on CollegeVine's blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-explain-exceptional-personal-circumstances-on-applications).

To sum it up, while your freshman grades might impact your chances to some extent, they're not the sole determining factor for your MIT application. Focus on demonstrating an upward trend in your academics, getting involved in extracurricular activities, and writing exceptional essays, and you should still be a competitive applicant. Best of luck!

9 months ago

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