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U Chicago Essays: Tips and Suggestions

Hi all, I'm working on my U Chicago essays, and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions for approaching these essays effectively and making them stand out? I'd really appreciate your help!

a year ago

Hello! I understand that the UChicago essays can be quite overwhelming, given their unique and creative prompts. However, this also provides you with a great opportunity to showcase your individuality and showcase aspects of your personality that may not be apparent from the rest of your application.

CollegeVine has an article that breaks down each of the UChicago prompts to help you write the best essays you can:

As a broad tip, make your essays as personal as you can. For example, if a prompt asks you about your favorite piece of art or literature, dig deep into your personal experience with that piece and explain the impact it has had on you. Instead of discussing popular works, look for something that has a special significance for you and is less likely to be written about by other applicants.

Remember, the UChicago essays are an opportunity for you to showcase your creativity, intellectual curiosity, and unique voice. Be authentic, take the time to craft well-thought-out responses, and most importantly, have fun with the process! Good luck!

a year ago

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