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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Brown admission without video portfolio?

I'm applying to Brown, and I didn't submit a video portfolio. Is it still possible to get accepted without one? How important is the video portfolio in their admissions process?

a year ago

Certainly, it's still possible to be accepted into Brown without submitting a video portfolio. The video portfolio is an optional component of the application. However, it's a unique opportunity to showcase your personality and interests. You should do your best to submit one if you still can, especially since submitting it will show that you're highly-interested in Brown.

The optionality of the video portfolio is a bit like the optionality of a supplemental essay. It's highly encouraged and may look bad if you don't submit one. If you need more tips on how to make a good video portfolio, check out this post:

That said, there are no stats on the percentage of students who are accepted with/without a video portfolio, and anecdotally on forums, many students have been accepted to Brown without one. If you don't submit one, your application will be evaluated based on the other materials you have provided, so make sure to focus on the pieces that showcase your strengths and what makes you unique.

Good luck with your Brown application!

a year ago

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