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Finding Annual Catholic College Scholarships

I'm a junior who's starting to think about financing for college, and I'm particularly interested in attending a Catholic university. Are there any annual Catholic college scholarships I should be looking into? If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

a year ago

It's great that you're considering funding options for a Catholic college education. There are several annual scholarships that cater specifically to students pursuing education at Catholic universities. Below are a few options you might consider applying for:

1. The Knights of Columbus Scholarships: The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization that offers various scholarship programs for Catholic students. Their Fourth Degree Pro Deo & Pro Patria Scholarships are designated for students attending a Catholic college or university. They offer both a need-based and a merit-based option. You can learn more on their website:

2. The Catholic Financial Life Foundation Scholarships: This organization offers annual scholarships to financial members attending Catholic colleges. They offer varying award amounts and have several eligibility requirements to meet. Visit their website to learn more about the application process:

3. The National CCAA Scholarship: The National Catholic College Admission Association awards multiple one-time scholarships of $1,000 to students who attend or plan to attend a member institution. Eligible universities can be found on their website, as well as the application:

4. The Italian Catholic Federation: This scholarship program is specifically for Catholic students who are of Italian descent and planning to attend a Catholic college/university. More information can be found on their website:

Also check out this CollegeVine article for more Catholic scholarships:

While these scholarships are national, it's also important to research local scholarships offered by your parish, diocese, or hometown organizations, as these options may have fewer applicants and increased chances of receiving an award.

Additionally, inquire with your desired Catholic college about institution-specific scholarships and financial aid opportunities. Remember, a combination of national, local, and institution-specific scholarships can help you significantly finance your education. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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