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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When to apply for scholarships?

Hey guys! Quick question on scholarships: is it best to apply for them after receiving a college acceptance, or should I start applying before I even know where I'm going to college? Thanks for any advice!

9 months ago

Hey there! In general, it's a good idea to start applying for scholarships early in your senior year or even earlier, such as in your junior year. You don't need to wait for college acceptances before starting your scholarship search. Many scholarships have deadlines throughout the year, while some are even open to underclassmen.

Applying early can increase your chances of receiving scholarships since you'll be competing against a smaller pool of applicants. Additionally, this allows you to spread your efforts across a longer time period, making it more manageable to complete multiple applications.

As you apply for scholarships, be sure to keep track of deadlines and requirements, as well as any essays or additional materials needed. Remember, there's a wide range of scholarships out there, so look for opportunities that match your strengths, interests, and background.

Once you receive college acceptances and financial aid offers, you can use any scholarships you've won to reduce your out-of-pocket costs or, in some cases, even to negotiate a better financial aid package. Every bit of scholarship money can make a difference, so it's worth putting in the effort to apply early and often.

Good luck in your scholarship search!

9 months ago

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