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Harvard College Essay Questions?

What's up, guys? I'm planning to apply to Harvard and I'm a bit stressed about the essay questions. Have any of you started on your Harvard essays yet? What kind of questions should I expect and do you have any tips for tackling them?

a year ago

Hey there! I understand that applying to a college like Harvard can be nerve-racking, especially when it comes to essays. The Harvard application typically consists of the main Common App essay, along with an additional supplemental essay.

For the supplemental essay, you will be given a choice of several prompts, and you can usually expect questions regarding your intellectual, personal, or professional interests and experiences. Some prompts from previous years have included topics like unusual circumstances in your life, addressing an intellectual challenge, your future goals, leadership experiences, or a topic of your choice.

As for tips on tackling these essay questions, here are a few:

1. Be authentic: Let your true personality and interests shine through in your writing, as this will help the admissions committee understand who you are beyond your statistics.

2. Focus on specifics: Use examples, anecdotes, and details to illustrate your points and make your essay engaging and unique.

3. Reflect: Show that you have a deeper understanding of the issues or ideas you discuss, and explain how they have influenced you or contributed to your growth.

4. Avoid clichés: Choose a topic that sets you apart from other applicants and refrain from overused themes (e.g., sports victories, moving schools, the immigrant story).

5. Revise and proofread: Give yourself ample time to revise and tweak your essay. Make sure it's polished and free of errors.

6. Seek feedback: Share your essay with a teacher, counselor, or someone you trust to provide thoughtful feedback.

For the complete set of current prompts as well as a breakdown to tackling them, check out this CollegeVine article:

Remember, the goal of the essays is to convey a clear picture of who you are as an individual and what makes you special. Good luck with your Harvard application!

a year ago

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