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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Bringing a Bag to the ACT?

Hey guys! Quick question: Are we allowed to bring a bag (like a small backpack or purse) to the ACT testing location? Any advice on what I should and shouldn't bring with me would be great!

a year ago

Yes, you can bring a bag to the ACT testing location, but keep in mind that you will not be allowed to access it during the test itself. You'll only be able to access your bag during break times. Make sure to review the ACT's guidelines for what items are allowed in the testing room at their website (ACT Test Day Rules).

As for what to bring, the essentials include:

- Your admission ticket

- A valid photo ID

- Several No. 2 pencils (with erasers)

- An approved calculator (with extra batteries)

Additionally, it's a good idea to bring:

- A wristwatch (without an audible alarm or smart functions)

- Snacks and water for breaks

- Layered clothing, as temperature in the testing room can vary

- Tissues and hand sanitizer

You should avoid bringing any items that are not allowed in the testing room, such as:

- Electronic devices (other than the approved calculator)

- Books, notes, dictionaries, or other study materials

- Highlighters, colored pens, rulers, or other similar items

- Food, beverages, or gum inside the testing room

Double-check the ACT guidelines to ensure you have everything you need and nothing that is prohibited. Remember to get a good night's sleep before the exam and have a nutritious breakfast the morning of the test. Good luck!

a year ago

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