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Carnegie Mellon Essay Examples

I'm feeling a bit stressed about writing my essays for Carnegie Mellon. Are there any resources where I can read successful CMU essays to get inspired and see what worked for other applicants? I just want some guidance on how to start my own essays and what admissions officers might be looking for.

a year ago

I understand the need for inspiration and guidance while writing college essays. One helpful approach is to research and connect with successful CMU applicants, who can share their experiences and essays with you directly. You could try reaching out to people who attended or currently attend CMU via LinkedIn or social media, as they may be willing to share their essays with you and provide advice on the application process.

Another resource is CollegeVine, which offers a platform for sharing college essays and reviewing them. They have a section containing essays submitted by successful applicants, including those who were accepted by CMU. By creating an account, you'll have access to their essay storage and can read through examples that may inspire you. You can read a blog post about CMU essays here:

When working on your CMU essays, keep in mind the importance of showcasing your passion, demonstrated interests, and creative thinking. Admissions officers appreciate essays that provide insight into your personality, character, and personal growth.

As a tip, try to brainstorm and reflect on your personal experiences, focusing on unique aspects and demonstrating how you stand out from the crowd. Avoid cliché topics and focus on what makes you different. Authenticity really shines through in essays, which can leave a lasting impression on admissions officers.

Remember to revise and edit your essays thoroughly, and don't hesitate to seek feedback from teachers, counselors, or peers. Good luck with your essay writing!

a year ago

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