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Best summer finance programs for high school students?

Hi everyone! I'm really interested in pursuing a career in finance, and I'd love to attend a summer program to further develop my skills. What are some of the best finance programs for high school students out there? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! It's great to see you seeking to expand your knowledge and skills in finance! There are several highly-regarded summer programs out there for high school students interested in finance. I've listed a few below:

1. Wharton Summer High School Programs: The University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School offers two programs for high school students: The Wharton Summer Business Academy (WSBA) and Leadership in the Business World (LBW). WSBA is a three-week program focused on business and entrepreneurship, with finance being one of the covered topics. LBW is a month-long program where students learn about leadership, finance, and business strategy.

2. NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s Summer Finance Institutes: NYU Tandon offers two-week, non-credit-bearing summer institutes focused on finance, such as the Introduction to Finance and Investment program and Financial Modeling and Analysis program. These programs offer hands-on experience in various financial concepts and practices.

3. Economics for Leaders (EFL): The Foundation for Teaching Economics offers this one-week program which combines economic and leadership-based education. Although primarily focused on economics, EFL does cover some relevant aspects of finance and investment.

4. Michigan Math and Science Scholars (MMSS) Summer Program - The Business of Finance Course: The University of Michigan hosts this two-week course as part of its MMSS Summer Program. The course introduces students to finance and investment management, with lessons in stocks, bonds, and portfolio management.

5. Investment Banking Institute (IBI) High School Program: This is a week-long program designed to provide students with an introduction to careers in investment banking. Students participate in a variety of learning experiences, including technical training and networking opportunities.

These programs vary in their focus, duration, and costs, so I would recommend researching each one to find a program that best aligns with your interests and needs. Participating in a summer finance program can give you a valuable headstart in building your skills and demonstrating your passion for finance to college admissions committees. Good luck!

a year ago

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