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Should I take AP Art History?

Hey guys, I'm planning my senior year schedule and I'm considering taking AP Art History. I'm not sure if it's worth it, though, especially with my current workload. Is it a valuable class to take with regards to college admissions? I'd love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this class.

a year ago

Hello! Deciding whether to take AP Art History really depends on your specific interests and goals. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

1. Personal Interest: If you have a genuine interest in art, history, or both, AP Art History can provide a unique learning experience that combines these subjects. Passion for a subject can be an important factor in excelling in and enjoying a class. If you don't have much interest in the subject matter, the workload might feel tedious.

2. College Major/Career Plans: If you have plans to study art history, history, or even studio art in college, taking AP Art History will give you a head start and show your dedication to the field on your college application. For some college programs, especially in the liberal arts, having a wide range of AP classes can be beneficial.

3. Workload Balance: You mentioned your current workload is already quite heavy. It is important to strike a balance between challenging yourself academically and maintaining your mental health and well-being. Taking on too much can lead to burnout, which may negatively affect both your school performance and college applications. Consider your other commitments and your ability to manage your time effectively before committing to another AP class.

4. College Admissions: AP Art History is a less common AP class, so taking it could set you apart from other applicants and enhance your college application. However, the overall impact on your application may not be as significant as you think. Colleges focus on more than just coursework – they look at extracurriculars, essays, and other elements that display your strengths. A unique extracurricular activity related to art or history could be just as valuable in the eyes of admission committees.

In summary, AP Art History's value with regard to college admissions ultimately depends on your interests and goals. If you're passionate about the subject and think it aligns with your college or career plans, it could be a fantastic class for you. However, if you're only considering the class for potential admission benefits, it might not be worth the added workload, especially if you're already stretched thin. Consider what's best for both your academic growth and personal well-being when choosing. Good luck!

a year ago

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