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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Rich kid colleges?

I've heard that some colleges have a reputation for being 'rich kid' schools. Is this true, and how does it impact the campus culture and social life if I were to attend one of these colleges?

8 months ago

Yes, it's true that some colleges have a reputation for having a higher percentage of wealthy students, often coming from affluent backgrounds. These colleges might have more resources, better facilities, and a more prestigious image because of the financial standing of their students and alumni. Keep in mind, though, that even if a school has a reputation for being a "rich kid" college, it doesn't mean that all students come from wealthy backgrounds or that the campus culture is solely dictated by wealth.

Campus culture and social life at these schools might be impacted by the socioeconomic makeup of the student body. Some students may feel a sense of pressure to fit in with their wealthier peers, leading to expectations around expensive clothing, participation in costly social events, or indulging in upscale off-campus activities. However, there are many clubs, organizations, and events on campus that cater to a wide range of interests and financial situations.

Additionally, most universities, including those with such a reputation, strive to create diverse and inclusive environments and therefore provide resources for students from less privileged backgrounds. Financial aid packages, scholarship programs, and work-study opportunities can help level the playing field and make these colleges accessible to students across a range of socioeconomic backgrounds.

If you're considering attending a college with a reputation for being a "rich kid" school, it's important to visit the campus, talk to current students, and do your research to understand the specifics of the campus culture. This will help you determine if the environment is one where you feel comfortable and supported, regardless of your financial background. Remember, ultimately, your college experience is what you make of it—so it's crucial to find a place where you can gain the academic and personal experiences you value most.

8 months ago

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