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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is my SAT score of 1540 good enough?

Hey guys, so I recently took the SAT and ended up with a score of 1540. I'm really shooting for top-tier schools - do you think my score is competitive enough or should I consider retaking the test?

8 months ago

Hello! A score of 1540 on the SAT is an impressive accomplishment and puts you among the top percentages of test-takers. If you want to know if it's good enough for the schools you are considering, you can compare your score with the middle 50% of admitted students' scores at the colleges you're targeting to see if you are within—or, even better, above—that range. But considering that a 1540 score is generally considered to be competitive for top schools, you should be in good shape score-wise.

8 months ago

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