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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What is Paideia Reed, and what is its significance?

I've recently heard about the Paideia Reed at Reed College. Can anyone explain what Paideia is, and how it affects the campus culture and students' experiences?

a year ago

Paideia is a unique event held annually at Reed College, typically during the week before the spring semester begins. During this week, the Reed community, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni, come together to offer and participate in various non-credit courses, workshops, discussions, and other activities that explore a wide range of subjects and interests. The purpose of Paideia is to promote intellectual curiosity, communal learning, and overall engagement in topics outside the traditional academic curriculum.

The name "Paideia" is inspired by the ancient Greek concept of the holistic education of the individual, encompassing intellectual, physical, and moral development. At Reed, Paideia represents the spirit of spontaneous and collaborative learning that the college values and encourages. Some examples of courses and activities offered during Paideia include cooking classes, dance workshops, discussions on various philosophical or social issues, art or craft projects, and even video game tournaments, among many others. The wide variety of offerings is meant to cater to the diverse interests of the Reed community and to inspire participants to explore new skills and ideas.

Paideia has a significant impact on the campus culture and students' experiences at Reed College. It fosters an environment where lifelong learning, creativity, and collaboration are celebrated and nurtured. Students often look forward to Paideia as a chance to take a break from the rigors of their academic studies, explore their passions, and engage with fellow community members in a more relaxed and informal setting. The event aims to strengthen the bonds within the Reed community and helps to create a supportive and intellectually stimulating atmosphere on campus.

In summary, Paideia Reed is a unique week-long event at Reed College that encourages learning outside the traditional academic context by offering various courses, workshops, and activities led by members of the Reed community. Paideia has a significant impact on the campus culture and student experience, as it fosters the spirit of collaboration, intellectual curiosity, and lifelong learning that Reed College highly values.

a year ago

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