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Is World Civilization a difficult class?

I was thinking about taking World Civilization next year, but I've heard mixed things about its difficulty. Can anyone who has taken the class share their experiences or insights? Is it tough to get a good grade or manage the workload in this class? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! While I haven't taken the class personally, I can share some general insights based on other students' experiences. World Civilization can vary in difficulty depending on factors like the teacher, the curriculum at your specific school, and your personal strengths and weaknesses. That said, most World Civilization courses are generally considered to be more content-heavy than skill-based, meaning you'll likely be memorizing and learning a lot of historical events, figures, and themes. If you have a knack for memorizing information or already have a strong interest in history, you may find the class more manageable.

On the other hand, if you struggle with staying engaged in content-heavy subjects or find it difficult to memorize large amounts of information, the class might be more challenging for you. It's also important to consider the workload, as World Civilization classes often have a significant amount of reading, note-taking, and essay-writing.

To better understand what you might expect from the course at your school, consider talking to other students who have already taken it or even reaching out to the teacher to ask about their expectations and the general structure of the class. This will give you a much clearer idea of whether you'll find the class challenging or manageable based on your own skills and preferences.

a year ago

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