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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How Hard is 12th Grade?

Hey upperclassmen, I'm going to be a senior next year and am freaking out a bit. I've heard some horror stories about 12th grade being super hard. Can somebody please tell me what to expect? Are the classes really much tougher than 11th grade?

8 months ago

Hi there! It's natural to feel a bit nervous about entering your senior year, but remember that everyone's experience varies. The difficulty of 12th grade largely depends on the classes you take and your workload. If you choose to enroll in advanced courses or continue with a rigorous course load, you may find it more challenging than 11th grade. However, many students feel prepared after their experiences in previous years.

The beginning of your senior year will likely be a bit stressful as you navigate college applications, finalize your list of schools, and work on your personal essays. Balancing these tasks with your classes will require good time management skills, so it's essential to stay organized throughout the year. One way to handle the challenges of 12th grade is to prioritize your workload. Make sure you dedicate enough time to complete college applications, study for exams, and work on major school projects. Additionally, it could be helpful to talk to your teachers or school counselor for advice on managing your workload and staying on top of deadlines.

Don't forget that senior year is also an opportunity to enjoy your last moments in high school with friends, participate in extracurricular activities, and create lasting memories. It's essential to strike a balance between your academic responsibilities and your personal life.

Senior year will still be somewhat challenging as you should be maintaining your academic rigor, but many students find it to be less stressful once they have submitted their applications and gotten accepted.

8 months ago

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