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Advice on music camps for teens?

Hey everybody! I'm interested in attending a music camp this summer to improve my skills and meet other musicians. Anyone here know of any cool music camps for high schoolers that you'd recommend? Bonus points for experiences you've had at these camps!

a year ago

Hello! It's awesome that you're looking to attend a music camp this summer to enhance your skills and connect with other musicians. There are many fantastic music camps out there for high schoolers. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Interlochen Center for the Arts (Interlochen, MI): This camp offers a variety of music programs, from classical to jazz and singer-songwriter. With world-class facilities and faculty, Interlochen is known for its top-notch instruction and nurturing artistic environment.

2. Berklee College of Music Summer Programs (Boston, MA): There are several summer programs available at Berklee, including a five-week program focused on performance, comprehensive musicianship, and music theory. You'll have the opportunity to learn from Berklee's esteemed faculty and work with musicians from around the world.

3. Eastman School of Music Summer Programs (Rochester, NY): Eastman offers several programs for high school musicians, such as the Summer Jazz Studies and Music Horizons programs. Both programs focus on improving your musicianship and performance skills while giving you the chance to collaborate with fellow musicians.

4. Tanglewood Institute (Lenox, MA): As the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Tanglewood features programs for various instruments and voice types. By participating in Tanglewood Institute's summer programs, you'll receive exceptional instruction and perform in an inspiring environment.

5. Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp (Twin Lake, MI): This comprehensive music and arts camp provides instruction in various musical disciplines, from band and orchestra to jazz and composition. With a diverse range of ensembles and performance opportunities, you'll be able to focus on your individual growth and enjoy camp life.

a year ago

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