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NMSQT Commended Cutoff for 2023: Any estimates?

Hello fellow juniors! I'm stressing a bit over the NMSQT commended cutoff for our class (2025). I know it varies each year, but does anyone have any estimates or ideas about what it might be this time around?

a year ago

Hello! It's normal to be a little anxious about the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) commended cutoff, but it's important to remember that these cutoffs can fluctuate from year to year. While it's difficult to predict an exact number, we can look at past trends to get a rough idea of what the cutoff might be for the class of 2025.

Over the past few years, the NMSQT commended cutoff has generally ranged from 209 to 212. Given this information, it's possible that the cutoff for the class of 2025 will fall within a similar range. However, keep in mind that these are only estimates, and the actual cutoff could be slightly higher or lower depending on various factors, such as test difficulty or the overall performance of students taking the test that year.

Ultimately, your focus should be on performing as well as you can on the test and engaging in your academic and extracurricular pursuits. The NMSQT is just one aspect of your college application, and while it's prestigious to earn National Merit recognition, there are many other ways to stand out as an applicant.

Good luck, and don't stress too much about the cutoff, as it's ultimately out of your control! Instead, put your energy into remaining engaged in your existing activities and focusing on other aspects of your application that you can influence.

a year ago

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