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Any tips for the Harvard roommate essay?

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could share some advice for the Harvard roommate essay. What kind of tone should I use? How personal should I get? Are there any examples or resources that can help?

a year ago

Hi! The Harvard roommate essay is a unique opportunity for you to showcase your personality, interests, and what makes you a great potential roommate. Believe me, you're not alone in struggling with it. Here are a few tips to help you out with the essay:

1. Tone: Aim for a casual, conversational tone, as if you're actually introducing yourself to your future roommate. You can crack some jokes if that is your style, use contractions, and use some slang words (although use them sparingly and only if they add to your essay).

2. Personal details: Feel free to get personal, but remember to strike a balance. Share relatable anecdotes that highlight your interests, hobbies, and quirks. This is your chance to be authentic and give a glimpse into your life outside of academics and extracurricular activities.

3. What makes you unique: Think about what makes you stand out and would make you a fun, interesting, or supportive roommate. You might mention any unique traditions you have with friends or family, particular hobbies or passions you have, or any personal experiences that shaped you.

4. Balance: Make sure to avoid oversharing or revealing potentially off-putting habits or traits that might make your potential roommate feel uncomfortable. Be open and honest, but always considerate of the person who will be reading your essay.

5. Examples/Resources: The CollegeVine blog ( has some helpful articles on college essays, including samples that demonstrate how students showcase their personalities and experiences through this type of essay. Additionally, you can search for other examples of successful Harvard roommate essays through various forums and online resources. Just keep in mind that it's important to find your own voice while drawing inspiration from these examples.

a year ago

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